{ "homepage": "https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/simple-storage-network", "promos": { "1.16.5-latest": "1.5.3" }, "1.16.5": { "1.0.1":"Ported to the latest forge version to fix rendering issues (tooltips, player models transparent, etc)" ,"1.1.0":"Fixed compatibility crashe caused by breaking changes in the latest forge/JEI (suggested now is forge_version=33.0.61 and jei_version= Patched bug in native VoxelShape class for joining server lag. Regular Network Cables no longer visually appear to connect to inventories. Several recipes updated to use item tags for compatibility. " ,"1.1.2":"Fix server crash when you build on top of the main root block." ,"1.2.0":"Added new items: Network Picker and Network Collector." ,"1.2.1":"Language files pt_br and hu_hu updated " ,"1.3.0":"Refactored cable connectivity to rely more on capabilities instead of block comparisons. Fixed some tooltips. Added Network Collection Interface, Network Exchange Interface, and Network Builder. (textures and functionality subject to change)" ,"1.3.1":"New config option 'enableAutoSearchFocus' for clients to disable the auto-focusing on the text box when a network GUI is opened (thanks to PR by LeoBeliik). Game no longer crashes if JEI is un-installed from a world. Catch and handle exceptions safely when Network Interface are connected to an external mod is throwing errors (For example, AE2 error with Ticking GridNode). Refactor: removed deprecated proxy layer in mod startup. " ,"1.3.2":"New Patchouli book added. Export cable and Filtered Input Cable now both have redstone control options. Fix language overflow text when some certain other mods are installed. Catch exceptions from connected or networked inventory capabilities during insertStack. " ,"1.3.3":"Update pt_br.json by Mikeliro. Fix server crash when inserting an item stack when some stack or mod throws a StackOverflowError error. Fix some other ClassDef not found errors. Storage Request Table now wont open (and log errors in console) while network main is disconnected. Optional config added to limit remote range: remoteMaxRange " ,"1.3.4":"Fixed bug in opening remotes; also see changelog of v1.3.3" ,"1.3.5":"Fix Builder Remote placing the wrong item. There is a key binding that will open any Storage Remote it can find in your ender chest, curios, or inventory. Storage Remote and Collector Remote can now be worn in the Curios charm slot (curios dependency is optional)." ,"1.4.0":"Sort by Name fixed to sort by clientside translated display name, not internal item ID. JEI sync setting (green/red button) is no longer a singleton-per-player-global setting, its saved independently for each remote and block so each can have a different value. New config jeiMaximumRecipeTags to balance between JEI recipe auto-completion and Server Packet overflow errors. Fix data tag recipes sometimes not working on servers. Extra warning tooltip on Network exchange interface. Fix Server Crash When using red Builder remote. Update pt_br.json by Mikeliro. Fix Import/Export putting random blocks in the Upgrade slots. Fix tooltip and tag search. Fix NPE when connecting Network Exchange to certain blocks. Network Exchange interface capped at 5000 instead of 134217727 (greatly reduce lag). Exchange interfaces no longer update every tick, instead relying on the autoRefreshTicks config value. Fixed Stack Overflow crashes in Network Exchange interface. Fix Network exchange point causes crash when link cable is connected." ,"1.4.1":"Cable upgrades now drop from the filter cables when broken. Collector Remote now correctly plays the item pickup sound " ,"1.4.2":"Merged pull request: Mark cables as non-transparent for pathfinder #380 by embeddedt" ,"1.4.3":"Fix StackOverflowError: Exception in server tick loop when copying item stack at TimeMain:insertStack" ,"1.5.0":" Performance increase: ItemStacks are no longer repeatedly copied while doing sorting/imports/exports, reducing RAM use/CPU load. Cables can all be now water-loggable. Storage Request Table now correctly drops items from crafting grid when broken." ,"1.5.1":"Mod no longer crashes if JEI is not installed. Fix remoteMaxRange config. Created italian translation #408 by maicol07 " ,"1.5.2":"Fix #416 remotes not saving options settings. Fixed Network Collector Remote Void Items #414. Crafting remote no longer saves crafting grid data, drops 3x3 on close (Fixes #434 and other isses). This allows a new feature where the Crafting Remote can go into the ender chest or Curios slot and be opened by the key binding (i default). Patched some stackOverflow errors, please report if more come up. Fix #254 Import Cables stuck on not importable items. " ,"1.5.3":"Fix Curios and modifiers cause a crash #440 . " } }