{ "masterVersionFile":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Lukas22041/LunaLib/main/LunaLib.version", "modVersion": { "major":1, "minor":8, "patch":4 # Can be a number, character or string (1, 2, a, b, "-RC2", etc) }, "modName":"LunaLib", "modThreadId":25658, #Link towards a direct download, fetched from the online version file "directDownloadURL":"https://github.com/Lukas22041/LunaLib/releases/latest/download/LunaLib.zip", #Link towards a directly accessible text file, which can be used to display a changelog ingame, is fetched from the online version file. #The menu will highlight any line that beginns with "Version" "changelogURL":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Lukas22041/LunaLib/main/changelog.txt", #WIP, automaticly generate changelog based on github releases. Read from Remote file. Overwrites changelogURL "githubOwner":"Lukas22041", "githubRepo":"LunaLib", }