This cheat sheet is a version of I modified to suit me better. :=command mode f=follow mode (use F to load urls in new tab) F=follow mode into new tab i=insert mode Esc=clear all modes, undoes last keypress command j k h l scroll Ctrl-e,y,d,u,f,b scrolling space, shift space page scrolling gg top of document G botoom of document x% go to x% of document +=zoom in -=zoom out ==set zoom o(O)=open url in same tab t(T)=open with new tab w(W)=open url in new window gt,gr=next (previous) tab [gr is not in default config] alt+{1,..}=go to specific tab d or ctrl w=close tab D or ZQ=close window < >=reorder tab gh(gH) open homepage gd(gD) download page ga(gA) adblock gb(gB) bookmarks gy duplicate current tab B[Enter]=create bookmark of current url Ctrl t=new tab r=reload current url R=reload current url skipping cache s=stop page loading u=opens the last closed tabs Ctrl+Shift+R=Restart Luakit ZZ=Quit and save the session ZQ=Quit and dont save the session y=yank element uri or description into primary selection (onto clipboard) Y=Yank element description (copy onto clipboard) ;;=focus element ;i= for opening image sources ;I= for opening image sources in new tab [num]b=load back page [num] in history ctrl z=passthrough mode (NO idea what this is yet) ctrl-ZZ=quit and save session for next time ZQ=quits without saving M[letter or number]=quickmark url to that letter or number (activate by go[quickmark] or gn[quickmark] (for new tab) Ctrl w=delete word Ctrl u=delete line Ctrl h=delete backward one character Ctrl d=delete forward one character Ctrl a=go to beginning of line Ctrl e=go to end of line Ctrl f=go forward one character Ctrl b=go backward one character Mod1 f=go forward one word Mod1 b=go backward one word Browser Commands: :quit :restart :open :lua :viewsource (views the source) :viewsource! (goes back to webpage) *************************************************** Quickmarks: Let's you assign a webpage to a specified key. Type M followed by key you wish to assign the page to. To open that page at a later time, type go[assigned-key] to open in current tab, or gn[assigned-key] to open in a new tab. *************************************************** Pressing f highlights all the links on the page and assigns them a number. At bottom of page, type the corresponding number after Follow: to go to it. *************************************************** Adblock for luakit: Use and put it in your ~/.config/luakit. Name it adblock.lua Edit your rc.lua and include: ****** require "adblock" ****** Then create a file ~/.config/luakit/adblock.blacklist according to the comment in the adblock.lua. Here's what works for facebook for example: Here's a script which translates hosts files for adblocking into an adblock.blacklist file. Use it as an example only! (courtesy Army in Arch Linux Forums) *************************************************** How to change useragent: globals.useragent = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chromium/14.0.825.0" If you append ?nobrowsercheck=true to the end of the url (or any other url that rejects unknown browsers?) it will let you access it with the normal luakit user agent. *************************************************** How to group bookmarks: Type "B" and then after the link add a word, e.g. :bookmark Archlinux :bookmark Archlinux ************************************************** To use ctrl-c to copy to clipboard, go to insert mode first (press i) You can then use ctrl-v to paste. ************************************************** How to set luakit to save the current session every time instead of only by ZZ, even if it's closed by the window manager: In your rc.lua, place a at the top of the window.methods.close_win function: ******** local close_win = window.methods.close_win window.methods.close_win = function (w, ...){w} close_win(w, ...) end ******** Another option offered: Edit window.lua (should be in ~/.config/luakit, or you should copy it to there from the xdg folder). On line 658 you'll find a function called "navigate". Add a line just before the closing "end" which is on line 671. The line should save the current session by calling w:save_session(). ******** navigate = function (w, uri, view) view = view or w.view if view then local js = string.match(uri, "^javascript:(.+)$") if js then --return view:eval_js(luakit.uri_decode(js), "(javascript-uri)") return view:eval_js(luakit.uri_decode(js), "(luakit::navigate)", true) end view.uri = uri else return w:new_tab(uri) end w:save_session() -- THIS LINE WAS ADDED end, ********** ************************************************* To use userconf.lua to remap binds, paste the binding aliases there: -- Binding aliases local key, buf, but = lousy.bind.key, lousy.bind.buf, lousy.bind.but then add binds within the brackets: ------------------ binds.lua add_binds("normal", { --for example -- History key({}, "b", function (w, m) w:back(m.count) end), key({}, "n", function (w, m) w:forward(m.count) end), }, true) ************************************************** To disable/enable javascript, scripts, and plugins: Add this to your rc.lua somewhere between the 'require "webview"' line (make sure it is after "binds" as well) and the "end user script loading" ***** require "noscript" noscript.enable_scripts = false noscript.enable_plugins = false ***** Then use: ,ts to toggle scripts such as javascript and others for the current domain. ,tp to toggle plugins such as Flash for the current domain. ,tr to remove NoScript rules for a given domain. Note the , must be typed as well. **************************************************