require(['jquery','underscore','splunkjs/mvc','splunkjs/mvc/simplexml/ready!'], function($, _, mvc){ var tabsInitialzed = []; /** * The below defines the tab handling logic. */ /** * This hides the content associated with the tabs. * * The normal, auto-magical Bootstrap tab processing doesn't work for us since it requires a particular * layout of HTML that we cannot use without converting the view entirely to simpleXML. So, we are * going to handle it ourselves. * @param {string} tabSetClass the */ var hideTabTargets = function(tabSetClass) { var tabs = $('a[data-elements]'); // If we are only applying this to a particular set of tabs, then limit the selector accordingly if (typeof tabSetClass !== 'undefined' && tabSetClass) { tabs = $('a.' + tabSetClass + '[data-elements]'); } // Go through each toggle tab for (var c = 0; c < tabs.length; c++) { // Hide the targets associated with the tab var targets = $(tabs[c]).data("elements").split(","); for (var d = 0; d < targets.length; d++) { $(document.getElementById(targets[d]), this.$el).addClass('row-hide'); } } }; /** * Force a re-render of the panels with the given row ID. * * @param {string} row_id The ID of the row to force a rerender on * @param {bool} force Force the tab to re-render even if it was already rendered once (defaults to true) */ var rerenderPanels = function(row_id, force){ // Set a default argument for dont_rerender_until_needed if( typeof force === 'undefined'){ force = true; } // Don't do both if the panel was already rendered if( !force && _.contains(tabsInitialzed, row_id) ){ return; } // Get the elements so that we can find the components to re-render var elements = $('#' + row_id + ' .dashboard-element'); // Iterate the list and re-render the components so that they fill the screen for(var d = 0; d < elements.length; d++){ // Determine if this is re-sizable if( $('#' + row_id + ' .ui-resizable').length > 0){ var component = mvc.Components.get(elements[d].id); if(component){ component.render(); } } } // Remember that we initialized this tab tabsInitialzed.push(row_id); }; /** * Handles the selection of a partiular tab. * * @param {*} e */ var selectTab = function (e) { // Update which tab is considered active $('#tabs >').removeClass("active"); $("li").addClass("active"); // clearTabControlTokens(); setActiveTabToken(); // Stop if the tabs have no elements if( $("elements") === undefined ){ console.warn("Yikes, the clicked tab has no elements to hide!"); return; } // Determine if the set of tabs has a restriction on the classes to manipulate var tabSet = null; if ($("tab-set") !== undefined) { tabSet = $("tab-set"); } // Get the IDs that we should enable for this tab var toToggle = $("elements").split(","); // Hide the tab content by default hideTabTargets(tabSet); // Now show this tabs toggle elements for(var c = 0; c < toToggle.length; c++){ // Show the items $(document.getElementById(toToggle[c]), this.$el).removeClass('row-hide'); // Re-render the panels under the item if necessary rerenderPanels(toToggle[c]); } }; /** * The code below handles the tokens that trigger when searches are kicked off for a tab. */ /** * Get the tab token for a given tab name * @param {string} tab_name The name of the tab */ var getTabTokenForTabName = function(tab_name){ return tab_name; }; // Get all of the possible tab control tokens var getTabTokens = function(){ var tabTokens = []; var tabLinks = $('#tabs > li > a'); for(var c = 0; c < tabLinks.length; c++){ tabTokens.push( getTabTokenForTabName( $(tabLinks[c]).data('token') ) ); } return tabTokens; }; /** * Clear all but the active tab control tokens */ var clearTabControlTokens = function(){"Clearing tab control tokens"); //tabsInitialzed = []; var tabTokens = getTabTokens(); var activeTabToken = getActiveTabToken(); var tokens = mvc.Components.getInstance("submitted"); // Clear the tokens for all tabs except for the active one for(var c = 0; c < tabTokens.length; c++){ if( activeTabToken !== tabTokens[c] ){ tokens.set(tabTokens[c], undefined); } } }; /** * Get the tab control token for the active tab */ var getActiveTabToken = function(){ return $('#tabs > > a').data('token'); }; /** * Set the token for the active tab */ var setActiveTabToken = function(){ var activeTabToken = getActiveTabToken(); var tokens = mvc.Components.getInstance("submitted"); if(activeTabToken){ // Set each token if necessary activeTabToken.split(",").forEach(function(token){ // If the token wasn't set, set it so that the searches can run if(!tokens.toJSON()[token] || tokens.toJSON()[token] == undefined){ tokens.set(token, ""); } }); } }; /** * Handle the setting of the token for the clicked tab. * @param {*} e */ var setTokenForTab = function(e){ // Get the token for the tab var tabToken = getTabTokenForTabName($('token')); // Set the token var tokens = mvc.Components.getInstance("submitted"); tokens.set(tabToken, '');"Set the token for the active tab (" + tabToken + ")"); }; /** * Perform the initial setup for making the tabs work. */ var firstTimeTabSetup = function() { $('a.toggle-tab').on('shown', setTokenForTab); // Wire up the function to show the appropriate tab $('a.toggle-tab').on('click shown', selectTab); // Show the first tab in each tab set $.each($('.nav-tabs'), function(index, value) { $('.toggle-tab', value).first().trigger('shown'); }); // Make the tabs into tabs //$('#tabs', this.$el).tab(); // Wire up the tab control tokenization var submit = mvc.Components.get("submit"); if(submit){ submit.on("submit", function() { clearTabControlTokens(); }); } // Set the token for the selected tab setActiveTabToken(); }; firstTimeTabSetup(); });