#!/bin/bash # Config locations folders="$HOME/.scripts/folders" configs="$HOME/.scripts/configs" # Output locations shell_shortcuts="$HOME/.shortcuts" ranger_shortcuts="$HOME/.config/ranger/shortcuts.conf" qute_shortcuts="$HOME/.config/qutebrowser/shortcuts.py" # Shell rc file (i.e. bash vs. zsh, etc.) shellrc="$HOME/.bashrc" # Download the shorcut files if not present. [[ ! -f $folders ]] && curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LukeSmithxyz/shortcut-sync/master/folders > "$folders" [[ ! -f $configs ]] && curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LukeSmithxyz/shortcut-sync/master/configs > "$configs" # Remove rm -f $shell_shortcuts $ranger_shortcuts $qute_shortcuts # Ensuring that output locations are properly sourced (grep "source ~/.shortcuts" $shellrc)>/dev/null || echo "source ~/.shortcuts" >> $shellrc (grep "source $HOME/.config/ranger/shortcuts.conf" $HOME/.config/ranger/rc.conf)>/dev/null || echo "source $HOME/.config/ranger/shortcuts.conf" >> $HOME/.config/ranger/rc.conf (grep "config.source('shortcuts.py')" $HOME/.config/qutebrowser/config.py)>/dev/null || echo "config.source('shortcuts.py')" >> $HOME/.config/qutebrowser/config.py # directory shortcuts sed "/^#/d" $folders | awk '{print "alias "$1"=\"cd "$2" && ls -a\""}' >> $shell_shortcuts sed "/^#/d" $folders | awk '{print "map g"$1" cd "$2"\nmap t"$1" tab_new "$2"\nmap m"$1" shell mv -v %s "$2"\nmap Y"$1" shell cp -rv %s "$2}' >> $ranger_shortcuts sed "/^#/d" $folders | awk '{print "config.bind(\";"$1"\", \"set downloads.location.directory "$2" ;; hint links download\")"}' >> $qute_shortcuts # dotfile shortcuts sed "/^#/d" $configs | awk '{print "alias "$1"=\"$EDITOR "$2"\""}' >> $shell_shortcuts sed "/^#/d" $configs | awk '{print "map "$1" shell $EDITOR "$2}' >> $ranger_shortcuts