raw +margins "|Nyuroki Magical Fantasy rev 2 by Lymia Aluysia
              |Released under the terms of MIT license
              |Source code can be found at: ( http:/" raw +margins "/github.com/Lymia/JoustExt/blob/master/examples/nyuroki2.jx )*0

@rushbody($offset_size, $check_times) {
  reset {
      callcc(@break) {
          ([+ raw "{}"
            if($check_times == 1) {
              // A decoy could have given the opponent time to zero their flag.
              @rushbody($offset_size, 2) 
            } else {
      + >

@marksection() {
  raw +margins "|
  raw "  " @label() raw": " @section()
  raw +margins "|

@slowrush() {
  // We set up decoys, play this safe and legit.
  @label() { raw "Main attack loop" }
  @section() { > @rushbody(20, 2) }
@fastrush() {
  // Fast rush happens on short tapes. 
  @label() { raw "Fast rush loop" }
  @section() { > @rushbody(5, 2) }
@panicrush() {
  // Panic rush happens before the opponent can possibly have zeroed their flag. 
  @label() { raw "Panic rush loop" }
  @section() { > @rushbody(5, 1) }

reset {
   [       @panicrush()](+)*8
  <[      >@panicrush()](-)*4
  <[     >>@panicrush()](+)*4
  <[    >>>@panicrush()](-)*4
  <[   >>>>@panicrush()](+)*51
  <[  >>>>>@fastrush ()](-)*51
  <[ >>>>>>@fastrush ()](-)*51
  <[>>>>>>>@fastrush ()](+)*51
  <(+)*18(-)*18 // A short probabilistic lock to give us room to breathe on very short tapes.
                // 2-cycles that set no decoys clear us right about now.
  (>)*6 // violate rule of 9