# Toggle Snap to Grid A module for Foundry VTT that lets you disable a grid snapping for tokens with a UI button. Helpful for RP maps! * A button will appear on the token UI when right clicking. Press it to toggle grid snapping on and off. * If grid snapping is off you can hold shift to temporarily turn grid snapping back on. ![ToggleSnapToGrid](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25129246/125176345-ad184d00-e1a0-11eb-8be4-d04e5fe329c0.gif) ## Drag Ruler Support This module supports [Drag Ruler](https://github.com/manuelVo/foundryvtt-drag-ruler) and changes the ruler's measurement type based on if grid snapping is enabled. When Drag Ruler is installed an option will appear in the settings menu: * Choose how you want measurements and highlighting to look when dragging an unsnapped token. This option is client specific so all players can choose what best fits them. ![ToggleSnapToGrid-DragRuler](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25129246/125176486-bc4bca80-e1a1-11eb-808d-fd4fb35016c6.gif) ## Installation Works best with the [LibWrapper module](https://github.com/ruipin/fvtt-lib-wrapper) installed. Install from the Foundry module installer or by inputting this manifest link in "Manifest URL" field: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MAClavell/Toggle-Snap-to-Grid/main/module.json ### Issues Report any issues on the "Issues" page on this github or message me in the [FoundryVTT Discord](https://discord.gg/foundryvtt) at Joms#1636.