@Article{Maple:2019:ConnectedAutonomousVehicle, author = "Maple, Carsten and Bradbury, Matthew and Le, Anh Tuan and Ghirardello, Kevin", journal = "Applied Sciences", title = "{A Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Reference Architecture for Attack Surface Analysis}", year = "2019", issn = "2076-3417", month = "November", number = "23", pages = "5101", volume = "9", abstract = "Connected autonomous vehicles (CAVs) will be deployed over the next decade with autonomous functionalities supported by new sensing and communication capabilities. Such functionality exposes CAVs to new attacks that current vehicles will not face. To ensure the safety and security of CAVs, it is important to be able to identify the ways in which the system could be attacked and to build defences against these attacks. One possible approach is to use reference architectures to perform an attack surface analysis. Existing research has developed a variety of reference architectures but none for the specific purpose of attack surface analysis. Existing approaches are either too simple for sufficiently detailed modelling or require too many details to be specified to easily analyse a CAV’s attack surface. Therefore, we propose a reference architecture using a hybrid Functional-Communication viewpoint for attack surface analysis of CAVs, including the Devices, Edge and Cloud systems CAVs interact with. Using two case studies, we demonstrate how attack trees can be used to understand the attack surface of CAV systems.", doi = "10.3390/app9235101", file = ":AppSci2019.pdf:PDF", publisher = "MDPI AG" }