@TechReport{Maple:2019:IoTTransportMobility, author = "Maple, Carsten and Bradbury, Matthew and Elsden, Miles and Cruickshank, Haitham and Yuan, Hu and Gu, Chen and Asuquo, Phillip", institution = "{University of Warwick}", title = "{IoT Transport and Mobility Demonstrator: Cyber Security Testing on National Infrastructure}", year = "2019", address = "Coventry, UK", month = "May", type = "{Technical Report}", abstract = "With the intent for Connected Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) to be deployed on UK roads in the near future it is vital that they are rigorously tested. Part of this testing will involve the cyber security aspects of these vehicles. This report covers the technical aspects of the IoT-TRaM project, which deployed four cyber security and privacy innovations developed within PETRAS in real world environments. This report describes (i) the four academic innovations, (ii) the requirements and experiences of CAV testbed users and (iii) testbed sites and the protocols for researchers to perform cyber security testing there. Throughout the report recommendations are made to reduce the barriers of entry and ways to improve the experience of performing cyber security testing in real world environments.", file = ":IoT\_TRaM\_Report.pdf:PDF" }