/* Database create script for the Great Reading Adventure. This script creates the database, SQL Server logins, and database users. * It will exit immediately if the database exists. * If the SQL Server logins exist, it will continue running without modifying them. Please change the following password below in the script or use a global search and replace on this file: * Database owner login will be created with this password (line 51): ystMPQGurKMmqjHDRkz810sx Optionally, you may change these items throughout the script if you wish (note that if you use a global search and replace on 'SRP' you will also be changing the first part of the logins and users): * The database it will create is named: SRP * The database owner login and user it will create are named: srp_owner */ USE [master]; GO PRINT 'Checking if database already exists...'; IF EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM [master].[dbo].[sysdatabases] WHERE [name] = N'SRP' ) BEGIN RAISERROR ( 'The database already exists, please select a new database name or remove the existing database.', 20, - 1 ) WITH LOG; END PRINT 'It does not exist. Creating SQL Server logins...'; IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT [LOGINNAME] FROM [master].[dbo].[syslogins] WHERE [LOGINNAME] = 'srp_owner' ) BEGIN CREATE LOGIN [srp_owner] WITH PASSWORD = 'ystMPQGurKMmqjHDRkz810sx', DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = [us_english], CHECK_POLICY = OFF; END ELSE BEGIN PRINT 'Not creating SQL Server login srp_owner becuase it already exists.'; END PRINT 'Creating database...'; CREATE DATABASE [SRP]; GO ALTER DATABASE [SRP] MODIFY FILE ( NAME = N'SRP', SIZE = 4096 KB, MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED, FILEGROWTH = 1024 KB ); GO ALTER DATABASE [SRP] MODIFY FILE ( NAME = N'SRP_log', SIZE = 1024 KB, MAXSIZE = 512 MB, FILEGROWTH = 10 % ); GO ALTER DATABASE [SRP] SET ANSI_NULL_DEFAULT OFF; GO ALTER DATABASE [SRP] SET ANSI_NULLS OFF; GO ALTER DATABASE [SRP] SET ANSI_PADDING OFF; GO ALTER DATABASE [SRP] SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF; GO ALTER DATABASE [SRP] SET ARITHABORT OFF; GO ALTER DATABASE [SRP] SET AUTO_CLOSE OFF; GO ALTER DATABASE [SRP] SET AUTO_CREATE_STATISTICS ON; GO ALTER DATABASE [SRP] SET AUTO_SHRINK OFF; GO ALTER DATABASE [SRP] SET AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS ON; GO ALTER DATABASE [SRP] SET CURSOR_CLOSE_ON_COMMIT OFF; GO ALTER DATABASE [SRP] SET CURSOR_DEFAULT GLOBAL; GO ALTER DATABASE [SRP] SET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL OFF; GO ALTER DATABASE [SRP] SET NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT OFF; GO ALTER DATABASE [SRP] SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF; GO ALTER DATABASE [SRP] SET RECURSIVE_TRIGGERS OFF; GO ALTER DATABASE [SRP] SET DISABLE_BROKER; GO ALTER DATABASE [SRP] SET AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS_ASYNC OFF; GO ALTER DATABASE [SRP] SET DATE_CORRELATION_OPTIMIZATION OFF; GO ALTER DATABASE [SRP] SET TRUSTWORTHY OFF; GO ALTER DATABASE [SRP] SET ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION OFF; GO ALTER DATABASE [SRP] SET PARAMETERIZATION SIMPLE; GO ALTER DATABASE [SRP] SET READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT OFF; GO ALTER DATABASE [SRP] SET HONOR_BROKER_PRIORITY OFF; GO ALTER DATABASE [SRP] SET RECOVERY SIMPLE; GO ALTER DATABASE [SRP] SET MULTI_USER; GO ALTER DATABASE [SRP] SET PAGE_VERIFY CHECKSUM; GO ALTER DATABASE [SRP] SET DB_CHAINING OFF; GO ALTER DATABASE [SRP] SET READ_WRITE; GO USE [SRP] IF fulltextserviceproperty(N'IsFulltextInstalled') = 1 EXECUTE sp_fulltext_database 'enable'; PRINT 'Creating database users...'; CREATE USER [srp_owner] FOR LOGIN [srp_owner] WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA = [dbo]; EXEC sp_addrolemember @rolename = 'db_owner', @membername = 'srp_owner'; GO PRINT 'Script complete.';