--- title: Gamemodes description: The selection of gamemodes that Stratus offers template: wiki/default.html category: wiki --- The Stratus Network uses PGM, a plugin originally developed for the Overcast Network, that was open-sourced upon its closure. Its diverse system allows the mapmaker to write XML code attached with their map to be interpreted by PGM to play a variety of gamemodes. PGM gamemodes are generally PVP oriented with one or more objectives that must be completed in order for the match to end. Primary gamemodes can be divided into three subsections. Capture requires the team to take and control a specified object or point. Destroy requires the team to destroy a specified object. Team Deathmatch requires the team to kill as many members of the other team as possible. Stratus matches can be manipulated in many ways, although the most common are through the usage of Blitz, Rage, or Mutations. #### Primary Gamemodes - Capture - [Capture the Flag](ctf) - [Capture the Wool](ctw) - [King of the Hill](koth) - [Payload](payload) - Destroy - [Destroy the Core](dtc) - [Destroy the Monument](dtm) - Deathmatch - [Team Deathmatch](tdm) #### Full List of Gamemodes This is a full list of gamemodes that can be played using PGM. Not all of these gamemodes are fully developed, and many are not regularly played. - Team Deathmatch - Capture the Wool - Capture the Flag - Destroy the Core - Destroy the Monument - Attack/Defend - King of the Hill - Blitz - Rage - Scorebox - Arcade - Free-for-all - Infection - Payload #### Mutations [Mutations](https://mcresourcepile.github.io/addon-project/wiki/gameplay/mutations) are alterations to a PGM game that can be applied before and during a PGM game.