--- title: Droplets description: About Droplets on the Stratus Network template: wiki/default.html category: gameplay --- Droplets are a form of in game currency used to purchase gizmos which can be used in the lobby, or [tokens](https://mcresourcepile.github.io/addon-project/wiki/gameplay/tokens) which can be used while playing. #### Location A player can find their droplets by doing /droplets on the server. They can also find the amount in a little box to the right of the screen under "Droplets" or they can look in their hotbar and select the ghast tear which represents a droplet, if you right click on that it will open up a tab called "Gizmos" and that is where you can find, equip, and purchase any of the Gizmos. These Gizmos will affect your experience in the lobby, whether it be by changing the players around or giving you unique items! You can purchase tokens simply by opening the "Token Menu", in the "Main Menu". #### Gizmos |Icon|Gizmo|Description|Price| |-----|-----|-----|-----| |![popper](/addon-project/assets/img/gizmos/gizmo2.png)|Popper|Clears players with a satisfying pop!|100| |![playerrocketer](/addon-project/assets/img/gizmos/gizmo3.png)|Player Rocketer|Hide players by launching them into colorful fireworks!|5,000| |![dropletgun](/addon-project/assets/img/gizmos/gizmo4.png)|Droplet Gun|Share your droplets among other players by launching them out of this gun!|7,500| |![chickenifier5000](/addon-project/assets/img/gizmos/gizmo5.png)|Chickenifier5000|Turn players into chickens upon hitting them!|10,000| |![muric](/addon-project/assets/img/gizmos/gizmo6.png)|Murica|Ride on a firework until it pops to reveal the American colors!|17,760| |![theheadlesshorseman](/addon-project/assets/img/gizmos/gizmo7.png)|The Headless Horseman|You have been taken over by the darkness!|999,999\*| \* This gizmo is not intended to be purchased through Droplets, but is rather awarded to players for completeing [Wave 2](https://mcresourcepile.github.io/addon-project/wiki/events/halloween-2017#wave-2) of the [2017 Halloween event](https://mcresourcepile.github.io/addon-project/wiki/events/halloween-2017).