--- title: Commands description: All available commands on the Stratus Network. template: wiki/default.html category: guides --- There are a wide variety of commans available to all players, throughout the server. Not all commands are server wide; some only work in specific places! #### Server-Wide Commands |Command|Description|Alias| |-----|-----|-----| |`/droplets [player]`|Shows how many [droplets](https://mcresourcepile.github.io/addon-project/wiki/gameplay/droplets) a player has|`/drp`| |`/friends [page number]`|Shows what servers your friends are on|`/frs`| |`/stats [player]`|Shows player stats|| |`/tokens [player]`|Shows current [tokens](https://mcresourcepile.github.io/addon-project/wiki/gameplay/tokens) of a player|| |`/gm`|Shows current gamemode|| |`/unstuck`|Free yourself from being stuck inside a block|`/!`| |`/msg `|Sends a private message|`/message`, `/dm`, `/pm`, `/tell`, `/whisper`| |`/reply `|Responds to the last private message sent|`/r`| |`/shout [message]`|Joins Global chat. Global chat is automatically the default channel in Lobby|`/g`, `!`| |`/playerslist`|Shows current players online|`/online`, `/who`| |`/lookup `|Shows all punishments a player has|`/l`| |`/ping`|Pong! (Tests Ping)|| |`/seen `|Shows the last time a player was in-game|`/find`| |`/server [world]`|Show's current server or allows players to teleport to a different server|`/srv`| |`/servers`|Shows a list of all available servers|`/srvs`| |`/hub`|Teleports player back to Lobby|`/lobby`| |`/staff`|Shows staff members online across all servers|`/mods`| |`/tp `|Teleport to player|| |`/settings [page number]`|Lists the all settings|| |`/setting `|Checks the value of the specified setting|| |`/get `|Gets the value of a speficied setting|| |`/set `|Sets the specified setting to the specified value|| |`/toggle `|Will cycle through different options for the specific setting|| |`/help `|Shows the in-game Help menu, but this guide is way more helpful|`/?`| #### Lobby Specific Commands |Command|Description|Alias| |-----|-----|-----| |`/jumpto`|Teleports to the block in sight. Only available to Observers in other servers|`/j`| |`/thru`|Teleport's through blocks if safe land is available on the other side. Only available to Observers in other servers|| |`/ascend`|Ascends up a floor. Only available to Observers in other servers|`/asc`| |`/descend`|Descends down a floor. Only available to Observers in other servers|`/desc`| #### Non-Lobby Specific Commands |Command|Description|Alias| |-----|-----|-----| |`/mapnext`|Shows the next map in the rotation|`/nextmap`, `/nm`, `/mn`, `/next`| |`/mapinfo [map name]`|Shows information about the selected map. If no map is specified, then it shows info about the current map|`/map`| |`/maplist [-a author] [-g gamemode] [page number]`|Shows a list of all maps on Stratus, and can filter results based on author and [gamemode](https://mcresourcepile.github.io/addon-project/wiki/gamemodes)|`/maps`, `/ml`| |`/join`|Joins the game, if non-donor then the team is automatically assigned, while players with [premium ranks](https://mcresourcepile.github.io/addon-project/wiki/ranks) can select their own team|`/jugar`, `/jouer`, `/spielen`| |`/observe`|Leaves the game. Will not work if player is in danger|`/obs`, `/spectate`, `/leave`| |`/report `|Reports player to staff members. Don't abuse|| |`/rotations [-n name] [-p page]`| Shows the maps in a rotation, default is current rotation|`/rots`, `/maprotations`, `/maprots`| |`/rotation [page number]`|Shows the maps in the current rotation|`/rot`, `/rota`, `/maprot`, `/maprotation`| |`/t [message]`|Talk in team chat|| |`/poll [next:mt] [map:mutation]`|Uses a token to set a map or [mutation](https://mcresourcepile.github.io/addon-project/wiki/gameplay/mutation) for the next match|| |`/mutation [page number]`|Lists and describes all avaliable mutations|`/mutations`, `/mutate`, `/mt`| |`/vote [yes:no]`|Vote in a poll. Most comonly used with tokens; setting a next map or a next mutation, yet you might see a custom poll made by a staff member too|| |`/tnt [resest:revoke:info]`|Controls your tnt license; your ability to use tnt|| |`/class [class name]`|Selects or views the your class|`/cl`, `/c`, `/selectclass`, `/klasse`, `/kit`| |`/classlist`|Lists all avaliable classes|`/listclasses`, `/classes`, `/cls`, `/kits`| |`/inventory `|Opens a player's inventory. Similar to right-clicking on said player|`/inv`, `/vi`| |`/matchinfo`|Shows information about the current map|`/match`| |`/rate (1:2:3:4:5)`|Rates the current map, gives feedback to map creators|`/ratemap`| |`/matchstats [target]`|Shows a player's stats for the current match|`/mstats`| |`/mode `|Show's the next expected modes for [DTM](https://mcresourcepile.github.io/addon-project/wiki/gamemodes/dtm) or [DTC](https://mcresourcepile.github.io/addon-project/wiki/gamemodes/dtc) maps as defined by the [XML](https://docs.stratus.network/modules/monument_modes)|`/modes`|