101 Pumpkins1.3Kill all your opponents! Each person has 2 livesNo hiding (Crouching behind walls etc.)Fire and wither damage is disabled!ZombieSkeletonSpiderWither2trueBlitz: Rageiron hoebowarrowpumpkin piehealdamage resistancewitherwoolleather chestplatewoolleather chestplatewoolleather chestplatewoolleather chestplatefirewebonfirefire tickwitherarrowleather helmetleather chestplatearrowcookiebowiron hoerotten fleshiron swordbowpotionender pearlfirepaintingwebonoffoffoffspawneroff`4`l`oScary!`rThis is a `94 team`r `4Rage`r with `e`l2 lives`r.In order to `awin`r, you must `4`leliminate`r the other team!-311,24,-297This is where you will spawn when the game starts.-321,1,-266This is the `9center`r.Here, `2Zombies`r will spawn equiped with `bspecial items`r that can be used in the game.-346,1,-298