A Watery Grave 1.1.3 Break the enchanting table inside of the enemy team's obsidian core. Red Blue 40 on blue red blue blue obsidian red red obsidian iron sword bow arrow iron pickaxe mushroom soup mushroom soup mushroom soup iron chestplate iron boots iron sword iron pickaxe bow arrow iron chestplate iron boots `rThis map is a `a`lDestroy the Monument `r(DTM) `rThe objective is to destroy the enemy team's monument. `rThis is the protective shell for `9Blue Team's `rmonument. `rInside this obsidian cube is an enchanting table. You must break it to win the game. `rIt is your `cyour team's job `rto attack the enemy monument and defend your own. `rThis is where `cRed Team `renters the map. `9Blue Team `renters the map in an area exactly like this. `rYou spawn with what you need. The chests contain building blocks. `rThere are several chests with `bDiamond Pickaxes `rin them. `rUse these pickaxes to mine the monument and win the game for your team! 54,29.5,51 `rThere are chests with `especial equipment `rscattered around the map. `rAcquiring these items could give you a `asmall advantage `rover your enemy! 58.5,26,57.5