Airship Aces 1.0.2 Leak lava into the void below to win! Blue Red shears -21.5,60,-52.5 -21.5,60,-84.5 fire on shears obsidian false silverfish This map is a `aDestroy the Core `r(DTC) map. The objective is to leak the other team's obsidian core. -41,75,-61 Each team has one obsidian core that they must defend. The core is thinner toward the spawn and thicker the further away, so beware! The core will become `6gold blocks `rat 15 minutes and `7glass `rat 20 minutes! -122,62,-38 You don't spawn with any supplies, get them from the chests scattered around the ship! Make sure to protect them with water, because the enemy will want to quickly destroy them. -48.5,56.5,-42.5