Atom1.0.1Be the team with the most kills after 7 minutes!GreenPinkonstone swordbowarrowTNTcooked beefgolden appleshearsleather leggingsleather chestplatedamage resistancehealleather helmetleather bootsleather helmetleather bootsleather helmetleather chestplateleather leggingsleather bootscooked beefarrowstone swordbowshearstntonoffoffoff22s`rThis map is a `a`lTeam Deathmatch`r.Your objective is to `cBe the team with the most kills after 7 minutes!`rThis is where players spawn. Players spawn with gear and armor, ready to go into battle!3.5,13,-53.5`rTNT will ignite instantly when placed. TNT will not destroy any blocks.`rYou spawn with 2 TNT that can be used to kill you opponents. You can get more TNT at these `cTNT spawners`r.-3.5,1,1.5