Atromix 1.6.6 Destroy the enemy team's front and back monuments. Red Orange stone sword bow diamond pickaxe iron axe shears golden carrot wood golden apple iron ingot arrow wood iron boots heal damage resistance leather helmet leather chestplate leather helmet leather chestplate orange red beacon stone sword bow diamond pickaxe iron axe shears golden carrot golden apple obsidian emerald block iron boots leather helmet leather chestplate item frame trap door beacon gold block arrow red rose yellow flower golden apple iron ingot on 29 `rThis is a `5Destroy the Monument`r map. `rThe aim of the game is to `cdestroy`r the other team's `5obsidian`r, `bbeacon`r and `aemerald`r monuments. 1,68,572 `rThis is where `ayour team `rwill spawn when the game starts. `rSpawns are random, so you can spawn on either side of your team's area. `rAlso included are chests where you can find defense items for your team!. 57,25,581 `rThis is your `cFront Monument`r. `r`4`lRemember`r! You have to destroy `nall pieces of the `bbeacon`r `land `aemerald`r. 20,17,603 `rThis is your `cBack Monument`r. `rIf you destroy both the other team's Front and Back monuments, you will win the game! `r`4`lRemember`r! You have to destroy `nall pieces of the obsidian`r. 72,18,606 `rIn this castle, you will find `9extra supplies`r. `rSupplies include `bextra blocks`r for attacking/defending and `bbuckets`r. 45,19,589