Avalanche: Mini 1.0.0 Leak lava from the enemy's obsidian core on the mountain! Red Orange stone sword bow diamond pickaxe stone axe wood wood bread potion snow ball arrow damage resistance heal leather helmet leather chestplate leather leggings leather boots leather helmet leather chestplate leather leggings leather boots potion on 44 stone sword diamond pickaxe stone axe bow arrow leather helmet leather chestplate leather leggings leather boots wood bread obsidian mob spawner orange red This map is a `aDestroy the Core `r(DTC) map. The objective is to destroy the enemy's obsidian core on their monuntain! -38,30,-46 Each team has an `aobsidian core `rthat they must defend from the enemy! You must leak the lava 3 blocks down from the bottom of the core. Use the vertical stairs from spawn to get quick access back. 44,33,6 In the center island of the map, there is a `cTNT `rspawner. It will spawn a couple pieces of TNT every second. Collect enough to make a cannon or blow up their side! -18.5,5,-2.5 In each team's cave, you will find the `cMiner's Elixir `rspawner. This will spawn a `eHaste II `rpotion that lasts `e4 seconds`r! Use it wisely! 38.5,6,1.5