Barf Box3.2.3ArcadeMine blocks of team color.Fall Damage is disabledRedBlueGreenYellowstickiron pickaxeregenerationnight_visionleather chestplateleather leggingsleather bootswoolnight_visionleather chestplateleather leggingsleather bootswoolnight_visionleather chestplateleather leggingsleather bootswoolnight_visionleather chestplateleather leggingsleather bootswoolnight_vision2256redstonegold ingotemerald3512256redstonegold ingotemerald3512256redstonegold ingotemerald3512256redstonegold ingotemerald351redbluegreenyellowtnt-67,25,-1stained clay:4stained clay:5stained clay:11stained clay:14stained clay(0.0,0.05]stained clay:0stained clay:4gold ingotstained clay:14redstonestained clay:11351stained clay:5emeraldstained clay:02256tntleather helmetleather chestplateleather leggingsleather bootsstickiron pickaxetntwoolCLAY_BRICKfallblock explosiontruetrue11s3falseonoffMine your team's Color Blocks and redeem the item it drops in the 4 portals.White blocks which drop music disks are worth quadruple `c(x4)Mine your team's Color Blocks and redeem the item it drops in the 4 portals.Mine your team's Color Blocks and redeem the item it drops in the 4 portals.White blocks which drop music disks are worth quadruple `c(x4)White blocks which drop music disks are worth quadruple `c(x4)Mine your team's Color Blocks and redeem the item it drops in the 4 portals.