Battle of Tenjin III 1.1.0 Destroy the enemy team's two monuments and leak their core to win! Blue Red 50 blue red stone sword bow arrow cooked fish diamond pickaxe stone axe wood glass bucket heal damage resistance chainmail chestplate chainmail boots leather helmet leather leggings leather helmet leather leggings iron sword stone sword diamond pickaxe iron axe stone axe bow chainmail chestplate chainmail boots leather helmet leather leggings obsidian gold block emerald block seeds apple sapling cooked fish red rose yellow flower wood bucket glass false `rThis map mixes `a`lDestroy the Monument (DTM) `r and `a`lDestroy the Core (DTC) gamemodes. The objective is to destroy the other team's monuments and leak lava from their core. 97.5,95.5,0.5 `rThis is the `9Blue Team`r's base. `cRed Team `rhas an identical base `rYou spawn with gear ready to go into battle! -24,34,92 `rThis is one of `cRed Team`r's two monuments. `rThe two `5obsidian blocks `rare what the `9Blue Team `rneeds to destroy to win. 83.5,41,-136.5 `rThis is `9Blue Team`r's obsidan core. `cRed Team `rhas an identical core. `rThe `5obsidian ball `rcontains lava. Break the obsidian and leak the lava inside to win. 0.5,26,95 `rEach team has an `biron mine `ron their side. `rUse the iron blocks to craft stronger armor and weapons! 0.5,2,83