BlockBlock1.3.10Get the most kills in 15 minutes!BlueRedstone swordbowarrowpumpkin piepotionhealdamage resistancegold chestplateadventureleather helmetleather leggingsleather bootsleather helmetleather leggingsleather boots-48.5,27.5,0.5potionredbluetntonoffoffoffbowstone swordarrowleather helmetgold chestplateleather leggingsleather bootspumpkin piepotionglass bottletnt`rThis map is a `a`lTeam Death Match `r(TDM) map with `bscoreboxes`r.The objective is to get the most `bpoints `rin `615 `rminutes.-44,41,-2`rThis is where the `cRed Team `rspawns.`rStairs to `aleft `rand `aright `rwill lead you into battle.-16,3,-25`rThis is where the `9Blue Team `rspawns.`rStairs to `aleft `rand `aright `rwill lead you into battle.17,4,26.5`rThis is where the `cRed Team `rneeds to enter to score `610 `rpoints.`rOnly the `cRed Team `rcan enter this scorebox.7,3,34`rThis is where the `9Blue Team `rneeds to enter to score `610 `rpoints.`rOnly the `9Blue Team `rcan enter this scorebox.-5,4,-32`rThis `bspawner `rrandomly spawns special `apower-up items `rthat will aid you in your fight.-2,16,-3