Boletum 1.1.0 Leak the enemy's obsidian core and defend your own. Orange Green stone sword bow diamond pickaxe iron axe wood wood glass golden apple apple arrow stone spade heal damage resistance iron boots chainmail helmet leather chestplate leather leggings leather chestplate leather leggings enchantment table leaves 23.5,18.5,-7.5 -232.5,18.5,-7.5 -103.5,51.5,-7.5 stone sword bow iron axe diamond pickaxe stone spade arrow apple wood glass iron boots chainmail helmet leather chestplate leather leggings obsidian emerald exp bottle exp bottle golden apple `rUnder the Spawn Mushroom you can find an `3Enchanting Table `rand and in front of spawn 4 chests full of `1Defensive Equipment`r. `rYou can find `aEmerald`r, `9Lapis `rand `0Coal `rores in the tunnels on the frontlines to gain experience. `rYou also get a `3`lBottle 'o Enchanting `rafter killing someone. 36