Brisked1.0.12Collect the most points in 10 minutes!Fall damage is disabled!Iron tokens award 6 pointsGold tokens award 12 points`aHills now award double points!`r`bCollect `7Iron Tokens `bby controlling 1 of the 2 hills then entering the central island`r`bCollect `6Gold Tokens `bby controlling both hills then entering the central island`r`bReturn the tokens to your team's scorebox to gain extra points!`r`7Iron Tokens `bare worth `96 points`b, while `6Gold Tokens `bare worth `912 points`b!1iron ingotgold ingotiron ingotgold ingotPurpleOrangenight visionhealdamage resistanceorange-teampurple-teamleavestnthill-nwhill-nwhill-sehill-sehill-sehill-nwhill-sehill-nw-66.5,48.5,-47.531.5,48.5,-145.5leaveslog 2smooth brickleavesstained claystained glasshill-nwhill-sehill-nwhill-sestone swordbowsaplingappletntgold chestplatechainmail chestplateleather leggingsleather bootsiron bootsgold bootswoolcarpetgold ingotgold blockiron ingotiron blockclay bricksignarrowgolden appleleavesfallblock explosiononoffoff3s50off