CannonCube 1.5.0 Attackers have 20 minutes to destroy the Endstone Pillar, while the Defenders must prevent them from doing so. ad There are NO restrictions on spawn camping/killing Attacker pickaxes do double damage Smooth quartz blocks are fully blast resistant (and can be mined) Spawn platforms refill your health and give you full resistance Defenders are allowed to blow up th Attackers Defenders night vision saturation workbench dispenser shears arrow vine vine trap door ladder step nether fence piston base lever stone plate stone button water bucket water bucket water bucket water bucket diode redstone torch on redstone redstone block tnt tnt tnt tnt diamond pickaxe snow ball wood sword stained glass stained clay stained clay stained clay iron helmet leather chestplate leather leggings leather boots bow arrow diamond pickaxe stained glass stained clay stained clay stained clay iron helmet leather chestplate iron leggings iron boots damage resistance damage resistance heal damage resistance damage resistance damage resistance diamond pickaxe workbench dispenser shears wood sword bow arrow vine stained clay stained glass nether fence step ladder trap door stone plate piston base redstone block redstone stone button lever redstone torch on diode water bucket bucket tnt leather helmet leather chestplate leather leggings leather boots iron helmet iron chestplate iron leggings iron boots snow ball defenders arrow attackers snow ball attackers defenders quartz block:2 quartz stairs stained glass:15 wall sign iron door block beacon tnt beacon water stationary water attackers defenders tnt stone plate redstone torch on lever redstone block stone button ender stone quartz block:0 20.5,10.5,-9.5 -19.5,10.5,-9.5 -3.5,10.5,-33.5 4.5,10.5,-33.5 24.5,21.5,-33.5 -23.5,21.5,-33.5 -15.5,21.5,-25.5 16.5,21.5,-25.5 -9.5,15.5,-19.5 10.5,15.5,-19.5 block explosion