CatalystMC Blitz1.4.1Kill all the enemies within 5 minutes!blitzFall damage is disabled!Auto-respawn is enabled!GreenBlue1gold swordbowarrowgolden applestone platecarpetspeednight visionhealincrease damageglassleather chestplateleather bootsleather chestplateleather bootsspeednight visiontnt106,2,75890,7,76790,7,72610,2,74626,7,73726,7,77840,2,73958,2,73976,2,76558,2,765gold swordbowarrowglassleather chestplateleather bootsgolden applestone platecarpetarrowfalloffonThis is a `9Blitz`r based off the map "`2Catalyst`r" from `aUberstrike`r.In order to win, your team must kill the enemy within `45 minutes`r.`lHowever`r, you can `4kill/die`r with `la couple of hits`r, so be careful!88,17,729This is where your team will spawn when the game starts.23,2,769These are the `9jump pads`r. When you step on them, they will 'boost' you up to the next floor.`lRemember`r! Fall damage is `4`ldisabled`r.79,3,762These are the `4health stations`r.Health pods will spawn every 10 seconds, which you can use to gain some more health.77,11,779