CatalystMC Blitz 1.4.1 Kill all the enemies within 5 minutes! blitz Fall damage is disabled! Auto-respawn is enabled! Green Blue 1 gold sword bow arrow golden apple stone plate carpet speed night vision heal increase damage glass leather chestplate leather boots leather chestplate leather boots speed night vision tnt 106,2,758 90,7,767 90,7,726 10,2,746 26,7,737 26,7,778 40,2,739 58,2,739 76,2,765 58,2,765 gold sword bow arrow glass leather chestplate leather boots golden apple stone plate carpet arrow fall off on This is a `9Blitz`r based off the map "`2Catalyst`r" from `aUberstrike`r. In order to win, your team must kill the enemy within `45 minutes`r. `lHowever`r, you can `4kill/die`r with `la couple of hits`r, so be careful! 88,17,729 This is where your team will spawn when the game starts. 23,2,769 These are the `9jump pads`r. When you step on them, they will 'boost' you up to the next floor. `lRemember`r! Fall damage is `4`ldisabled`r. 79,3,762 These are the `4health stations`r. Health pods will spawn every 10 seconds, which you can use to gain some more health. 77,11,779