Cathedral 0.2.1 Destroy the two obsidian blocks in the center of the enemy's cavern Blue Red blue red beacon anvil obsidian iron ore glowstone stone air lava stationary lava stone iron ore speed jump diamond pickaxe bow ladder iron fence torch potion cooked beef wood arrow quartz stairs step stained clay stained clay leather helmet leather chestplate leather leggings leather boots stained clay stained clay leather helmet leather chestplate leather leggings leather boots diamond pickaxe bow potion cooked beef wood arrow stained clay quartz stairs step:7 torch ladder iron fence leather helmet leather chestplate leather leggings leather boots iron helmet iron chestplate iron leggings iron boots iron ore iron ingot double step:9 43 step:1 step obsidian anvil fire tick `rThis is a `bmonument`r. There is one in the center of each team's base. Break the `btwo obsidian blocks`r in the enemy's monument to win. Or, build a `bbridge`r to your own monument and `bdefend it`r. 22.5,128,-21.5 `rThis is a `bteleporter`r. You can use them to move around your base more easily. The enemy can't use your teleporters, and you can't use theirs. `bTry walking into this one now!`r -2.5,113,-37.5 `rIn the center of the map is this floating island containing `biron ore`r. The ore blocks drop iron ingots when mined, so no smelting is needed. They also `bgrow back`r over time. When you die, you get to `bkeep your iron armor`r. -1.5,106,2.5