Cloud Nine 1.1 Collect wool dyes from the shrines, and the string from killing players. Craft the colored wool and place it on your monument. Red Blue night vision speed stone sword bow arrow golden carrot snow ball damage resistance speed slow slow speed leather helmet leather chestplate leather leggings leather boots leather helmet leather chestplate leather leggings leather boots string arrow stone sword bow leather helmet leather chestplate leather leggings leather boots string golden carrot snow ball arrow wool 21.5,15,42.5 -20.5,15,42.5 0.5,15,63.5 21.5,15,-41.5 -20.5,15,-41.5 0.5,15,-62.5 This map is a `a`lCapture the Wool `r(CTW) map. The objective is to kill the enemy for `adye `rand `astring`r. Then you must craft the `cwool`r and place it at the monuments. 28,26,30 There are three dye spawners. `aLime Dye`r, `5Purple Dye`r, and `eYellow Dye. Watch out. Each spawner will give you slowness. -55,18,0 Behind your base, there are the `cthree`r wool monuments. After crafting the wool with `a4 String`r and `a1 Dye`r. Place in on the piston block. -32,13,-41