cos(tnt) 0.83 You must be the first team to get to 2,750 points before time runs out! Spawn killing/camping is ALLOWED Red Blue Yellow 8,66,65 8,66,75 night vision diamond pickaxe shears tnt bow arrow tnt vine vine tnt nether fence step ladder stone button stone plate lever trap door water bucket water bucket water bucket piston base redstone block redstone redstone torch on diode tnt redstone comparator diamond chestplate saturation stained glass stained clay stained clay stained clay stained clay leather helmet leather leggings leather boots stained glass stained clay stained clay stained clay stained clay leather helmet leather leggings leather boots stained glass stained clay stained clay stained clay stained clay leather helmet leather leggings leather boots red blue yellow stained clay stained glass redstone torch on redstone block tnt stained glass player 122.5,7,32.5 -107.5,7,107.5 -12.5,7,2.5 -57.5,7,2.5 72.5,7,137.5 27.5,7,137.5 2750 0 1 iron block iron helmet iron leggings iron boots diamond block diamond boots snow ball stained clay:3 stained clay:4 stained clay:9 stained clay:11 stained clay:14 water stationary water 0.35 0.5 0.75 stained glass air air water stationary water stained glass air air water stationary water `a`oEvery `65 `a`ominutes there is an iron supply drop `a`oEvery `610 `a`ominutes there is a diamond supply drop diamond pickaxe bow workbench shears wood sword arrow vine stained clay stained glass nether fence step ladder trap door stone plate piston base redstone block redstone stone button lever redstone torch on diode water bucket bucket tnt leather helmet diamond chestplate leather leggings leather boots bucket diamond block iron block iron ingot hopper redstone comparator sand chainmail chestplate dispenser iron helmet iron leggings iron boots diamond boots dispenser tnt dispenser block explosion 4 4s 0 false true 48 0.75