DATAbase1.0Destroy 75% of both of the enemy's battle ships! You only have 15 minutes!Fall damage is disabled!YellowRed-66.5,73,12.58.5,73,12.5-28.5,80,12.5night visionfast diggingstone swordbowstone pickaxewoodtntflint and steelshearsarrowchainmail chestplatehealdamage resistancestained claystained clayyellowredfire-57.5,18,11.5-0.5,18,9.5stone swordstone pickaxebowflint and steeltntarrowstepchainmail chestplateshearsrailsladderwoodarrowtntofffallThis map is a `aDestroy the Ships `r(DTS) map.The objective is to destroy `c75% `rof both of the enemy team's ships!Each team has 2 ships that you must defend!-80,25,32Each team has 2 ships. A main ship and a sub ship.The main ship contains an iron depot, an onboard icarus, and more chest supplies.The sub ship contains mostly extra chest supplies.16,33,-11When you spawn, you will be secluded high in the air away from the map.Jump down towards any of your two ships, you do not take any fall damage!You only have `a20 minutes`r, so hurry up!22,85,2When you kill an enemy, you will recieve:16 `6Wood`r, 16 `7Arrows`r, and 8 `cTNT`r.22,85,2