DATAcenter1.3Destroy 60% of the enemy's battle ship! You only have 30 minutes!Fall damage is disabled!YellowRed-61.5,76,-29.5night visionstone swordbowiron pickaxeiron axewoodwoodwoodtntbucketbucketfence gatetrap doorwood stepredstonefenceladderdiodestone buttonleverstone plateshearsarrowstained claychainmail chestplatenight visionfast diggingwater breathinghealdamage resistancestained claystained clayhealdamage resistanceyellowredfirestone swordiron pickaxeiron axebowflint and steelarrowstepchainmail chestplateshearsrailsladdergold blockobsidianstained claybucketwater bucketstone platediodeleveriron doorfencewoodtntstone buttonredstoneladderlogwood stepgravelflinttrap doorfence gatewoodtntstained clayofffallThis map is a `aDestroy the Ships `r(DTS) map.The objective is to destroy `c60% `rof the enemy team's ship!Each team has one main ship that you must defend!-67,48,-73These ships are highly technologically advanced.Each has 2 cannon stalls, 1 on-board icarus, and 2 supply depots.Please be courteous and not interact with other's cannons without permission.Especially in the cannon stalls.-36,25,-20When you spawn, you will be secluded high in the air away from the map.Run on the caution area and get launched to your ship. You take no fall damage!You only have `a30 minutes`r, so hurry up!-23,65,48These modual stalls will give you a secluded area to build a cannon in peace.When entering, make sure to pull `aboth `rlevers to the down position.Inside you fill find a shelf with various cannon supplies for you.Entering/taking someone else's stall without permission while they get more supplies is `cillegal`r!-30,23,-14When you kill an enemy, you will recieve:16 `6Wood`r and 16 `cTNT`r.