DK Crossovers DTE1.4.0Destroy 70% of the enemies side!YellowGreenFall damage is disabled!iron swordbowarrowiron pickaxedispenservineladderstone buttonwood plateleverwood stepredstoneredstone blockredstone torch ondiodetrap doorstone platefence gatefencetnttnttnttntshieldnight visionstained claystained claystained clayleather helmetchainmail chestplateiron leggingsleather bootsstained claystained claystained clayleather helmetchainmail chestplateiron leggingsleather bootsnight visiongold blockwoolwoodstained claystained glass:0stained glass:15stained clay:4stained clay:5quartz blockexplosiontntexplosionyellowexplosiongreen970.5,110,450.5970.5,103,450.5stained clay:14airWall comes down in 2 minutes..Wall comes down in 1 minute..Wall comes down in 30 seconds..Wall comes down in 15 seconds..Wall comes down in 5 seconds..Wall comes down in 4 seconds..Wall comes down in 3 seconds..Wall comes down in 2 seconds..Wall comes down in 1 second..The wall has been removed!
`7Your cannons work without water here!
`7The cobweb areas mark where you are not allowed to make bridges!
`7There is a jump pad at the bottom of each ladder!
`7The cobweb areas mark where you are not allowed to make bridges!
`7There is a jump pad at the bottom of each ladder!
967.5,110,442.5970.5,110,442.5973.5,110,442.5967.5,103,442.5970.5,103,442.5973.5,103,442.5leather helmetchainmail chestplateiron leggingsleather bootsredstoneTNTdiodewater bucketstained clayredstone torch onstone buttonarrowwood plateladderstepfenceshearsdispenserwood stepredstone blockvineleveriron swordbowiron pickaxetntdispenserfalloff