Ender Blast 1.0.2 Destroy 75% of the enemy's endstone cuboid to enter the wool room inside of it, then return the wool back to your side Red Blue night vision saturation blast_protection aqua_affinity feather_falling damage resistance 4 damage resistance 1 red-team blue-team stained glass quartz block quartz stairs explosion red-cuboid explosion blue-cuboid explosion water stationary water stained glass stained clay:9 explosion ender stone player stained glass pane chest blue-cuboid stained glass pane chest red-cuboid wool The wool room is inside the enemy endstone Cuboid The Cuboid can only be broken with TNT You may only enter the wool room when the Cuboid is destroyed You get endstone blocks every kill, use it to repair your Cuboid monument arrow tnt ender stone block explosion diamond pickaxe workbench shears wood sword diamond chestplate bow arrow vine stained clay stained glass nether fence step ladder trap door stone plate piston base redstone block redstone stone button lever redstone torch on diode water bucket bucket tnt leather helmet leather chestplate leather leggings leather boots iron helmet iron chestplate iron leggings iron boots quartz stairs quartz block ender stone