Ethereal 1.3.0 Capture the wool and return it to your victory monument. Pink Yellow stone sword bow iron pickaxe iron axe ladder wood boat golden carrot arrow heal chainmail chestplate leather leggings leather boots leather leggings leather boots 158.5,30,-26.5 158.5,30,27.5 -157.5,30,27.5 -157.5,30,-26.5 0.5,105.5,0.5 yellow pink chest beacon iron block redstone wire redstone torch on chest beacon iron block redstone wire redstone torch on chest workbench yellow chest workbench pink web 96,22,0 -96,22,0 45 stone sword bow iron pickaxe iron axe seeds red rose yellow flower ladder chainmail chestplate leather boots leather leggings wood string chainmail chestplate web golden carrot