Explosive Vengeance1.1.3Be team with the most amount of kills after 15 minutes or the first team to 200 points!YellowGreen1001healdamage resistancehealdamage resistancestone swordbowarrowiron pickaxeiron axedispenservineladdercobblestonecobblestonefencetrap doorstone buttonwood plateleverwood stepwater bucketwater bucketwater bucketwater bucketredstone blockredstoneredstone torch ondiodetnttntleather helmetleather chestplateleather helmetleather chestplateyellowgreentntwaterstationary waterstained clay:4stained clay:13explosionstonestained clay:9stepdouble stepclaystepwoodredstone blockredstone lamp onredstone lamp offsmooth bricksmooth stairswood stepwood double stepcobble wallwood stairsspruce wood stairswaterstationary waterairwoodlogglassshearsleather helmetleather chestplateiron leggingsstone swordbowarrowiron pickaxestonestepstained claysmooth brickclay ballcobble wallcobblestonesigngold plateclaydouble stepsmooth stairswood stairsdispenserwater bucketbuckettrap doortntredstone blockredstoneredstone torch ondiodevineladderfencetrap doorstone buttonwood plateleverwood stepspruce wood stairsoffblock explosion36
This map is a special type of `aTeam Death Match `r(TDM).
You have 15 minutes to get the most amount of kills or to be the first to 200 points!
You cannot bridge over the void on this map, you must use cannons or an icarus.
To learn more about how to make cannons, follow the link below:
On the top level of your side lies the icarus building.
Load TNT on the `cred stained clay blocks `rand flick the lever!
You can make your own icarus, but this one will always be here.