Fracture 0.2.3 Collect the most points in 7 minutes `bThere is a `9scorebox `blocated to the left of spawn! `bCapture the `9Middle `bto open the scorebox! Blue Red efficiency efficiency blast_protection resistance regeneration haste regeneration blue-team red-team stained clay stained glass piston base beacon stone central-point central-point 118.5,24,158.5 173.5,9,200.5 63.5,9,212.5 grass dirt smooth brick stone:6 bow wood sword gold sword gold pickaxe gold axe gold spade gold helmet gold chestplate gold leggings gold boots iron sword iron pickaxe iron axe iron spade iron helmet iron chestplate iron leggings iron boots gold chestplate iron chestplate blast_protection true 2s 4 block explosion wood arrow flint and steel bow stone sword stone pickaxe stone axe stained glass golden carrot leather helmet chainmail chestplate leather leggings iron boots seeds sapling apple rails 30