Ghost Spleef1.0.5Be the last player standing!arcadeYou can fly as a ghost!1trueGhostSurvivors-164.5,40,113.5-164.5,45,113.5snow blockchainmail chestplateleather leggingsiron bootssnow blocksnow ballsnow ballairairairairinvisibilitydamage resistancefire resistanceiron spadeairair6offfalsefallsnow blocksnow ballchainmail chestplateleather leggingsiron bootsiron spadeghost-teamghost-teamsurvivor-teamsnow blockghost-teamsnow blocksurvivor-teamentity attackWelcome to Ghost Spleef-165,45,113Players must avoid the ghost to stay alive.Pick up dye to score points and use snowballs to knock your competition away.The Ghost must spleef the remaining players to win.You may not score any points as the ghost so spleef to win!-165.5,26,116.2and have fun!snow block