Halloween Train 1.0.2 Break both of the enemy team's obsidian monuments. `rThis map is a `a`lDestroy the Monument `r(DTM) map. The objective is to destroy the other team's `5obsidian `bmonuments `ron their side. -32,108,36.5 `rThis is a `bmonument`r. There is one on either team's side. `rYou must destroy the `5obsidian blocks `rin both enemy's monuments to win. 100,27,102 `rTeams spawn inside a base that looks like a minecart. You spawn with gear ready for battle! `rNote that the enemy team cannot enter your team spawn. 56,29,112 `rThere are `biron blocks `rin the piston building. You can use iron blocks to craft `aarmor`r. `rThere are also underground mines that contain `biron blocks`r. 95,25,70 `rExtra supplies can be found in a building that looks like a dispenser. `rUseful items can also be found the piston buildings. -5,25,108 Green Purple on green purple chest lava iron sword bow arrow iron pickaxe iron axe diamond pickaxe log glass pumpkin pie iron spade iron sword iron pickaxe diamond pickaxe bow shears iron axe glass wood:2 log:2 arrow ice flint stone log:1 gold block obsidian gold ore