Hanger1.3.1Be the first team to reach 150 points! Scoreboxes give you extra points.Fall damage is disabled!BlueYellow150iron axebowarrowpotionhealdamage resistancespeedjumpiron chestplateleather helmetleather leggingsleather bootsleather helmetleather leggingsleather bootsblueyellowiron axebowarrowglass bottlearrowleather helmetiron chestplateleather leggingsleather bootspotionpotionofffall2.0on`rThis map is a `a`lTeam Death Match `r(TDM) mapFirst team to a total of `4`l150 Kills`r wins.-88,19,748`rExits are on both `asides`r and the stairs will lead you to the Sniping Area.-6,2,728`rSniping area is used to snipe players on the other side, you can also find your own sniping spots.-8,11,737`rThe Center is the main combat area. Tunnels and holes lead to it too.-47,15,746`rThis is the `6scorebox`r. `cEach team`r will have one of these on the `csecond floor of their spawn`r.`rIf the other team enter it, they will be `aawarded`r with `4`l5 points`r.`r`cSo be careful`r! You `ccan't afford`r to lose points.-96,7,738