Holiday Blocks 1.1.1 Leak lava from the enemy's obsidian core. Blue Red damage resistance strength red blue 90 `rThis map is a `a`lDestroy the Core `r(DTC) map. `rThe objective is to leak lava from the enemy's `5obsidian `rcore. 16.5,102,18 `rYou spawn inside your base which looks like a double chest. `rThe chests in the base contain all the necessary gear to get ready for battle! 83,31,72 `bDiamond blocks `rcan be found in both of the furnaces on either side of the base. You can use diamond blocks to craft armor. 107,33,42 This is `5obsidian `rcore, break your enemy's `5obsidian `rcore and leak the `clava `rfrom inside the core to win. 83,45,80 `rUseful extra supplies can be found above the base. Stairs from the `aleft `rand `aright `rof spawn allow direct access. 90,42,60