Intercept 0.1 Destroy the enemy's emerald monument before the timer runs out development Red Blue night vision compass `b`lMap Information`r `6ElectroidFilms `9`l Special Map `9`l Information `91. `1Spawners are not breakable. `92. `1Lava can not be picked up or turned into obsidian. `93. `1No TNT can be placed at the spawns. `94. `1Every 10 minutes there is a golden dropzone at the desert. `95. `1Obsidian and emerald blocks are on item remove. `96. `1The monument is invulnerable from TNT. `97. `1Max build height is at 90. `98. `1Natural mob spawning is on. `99. `1Bed spawns are enabled. `910. `1Breaking any ore drops 3 items of its kind. explosion emerald block red blue explosion tnt mob spawner lava stationary lava beacon red blue iron ore iron ingot true red blue diamond ore diamond true explosion iron ore diamond ore gold block diamond exp bottle tnt true enderman witch true obsidian emerald block 90