Iris DTM 1.3.2 Break the enemy's obsidian monument in their base! Red Blue diamond pickaxe shears on diamond pickaxe obsidian shears `rThe objective of this map is to `cdestroy `rthe other team's monument. `rGet `airon blocks `rand `aTNT `rfrom the side islands. `rYou will spawn with a stone sword, but get the rest of the supplies from the chests. 0,72,-50 `rYou will spawn in a spaceship in the air. `rJump down the hole and into the `awater pool `rBe careful not to hit the ground to hard! -62,162,-90 `rYou will find `asupply chests `rin the main asteroid. `rProtect them, because the `cenemy `rwill try to blow them up! -42,31,-112 `rOn the side asteroid--across from the main asteroid--you will find TNT and Iron. `rUse this to your advantage and capture the enemy's asteroid. -63,41,-157