Merry Drought 1.1.2 Destroy the obsidian monuments on the enemy side while defending your own monuments. `rThis map is a `a`lDestroy the Monument `r(DTM) map The objective is to get to the enemy side and destroy two obsidian monuments. 111.5,15,-455.5 `rThis is the `aGreen Team `rbase. You spawn with gear ready to go into battle! To your right and to your left are `bchests `rfilled with extra equipment. To the back is one set of `6iron block `rsupplies. 121.5,19,-361.5 Here is the `7iron `rsupply for `aGreen Team`r. Note that `cRed Team `rhas the same thing on their side. You can craft `7iron armor `rto prepare yourself for battle. If you happen to run out of iron, there may be some left in the center ceiling or on the upper level. 133.5,8,-349.5 These are `cRed team`r's monuments. `4Red Team `rhas `drink`r and `5purple `rmonuments. `cRed Team`r should defend these monuments against `aGreen Team`r invaders who are trying to break them. There are 5 obsidian blocks to break with your efficiency II diamond pickaxe. -3.5,21,-486.5 There are `b4 `rislands with a diamond block and extra iron blocks. The diamond block can be used to make armor or weapons. This will help when trying to defend and get in wool rooms 69.5,35,-413.5 Green Red stone sword bow diamond pickaxe quartz block wood cooked chicken golden apple ladder web bucket arrow quartz block quartz block damage resistance cooked chicken golden apple sandstone wood ladder web arrow bucket glass bottle string quartz block obsidian stone sword bow diamond pickaxe green red iron block 45