Moonlight Summit 1.4 Destroy 90% of all three of the enemy's monuments. Blue Red 0.5,50,-421.5 wood sword bow wood pickaxe wood axe wood bread gold nugget torch arrow leather chestplate leather leggings leather boots stone sword stone pickaxe stone axe chainmail helmet gold chestplate chainmail leggings leather boots stone sword iron pickaxe iron axe iron helmet iron chestplate iron leggings gold boots iron sword diamond pickaxe diamond axe diamond helmet iron chestplate iron leggings iron boots blue red blue obsidian ender stone double step red obsidian ender stone double step hopper fence trap door beacon anvil enchantment table furnace burning furnace fence gate lever chest trapped chest dispenser dropper stone button dispenser beacon anvil enchantment table furnace burning furnace piston base piston extension piston moving piece piston sticky base air redstone wire redstone comparator on redstone comparator off redstone torch on redstone torch off redstone lamp on redstone lamp off diode block on diode block off smooth brick cobblestone stairs dispenser note block coal ore torch true leaves sapling false gold ore gold ore true iron ore iron ore true ender stone gold nugget true mob spawner gold nugget true obsidian gold nugget true gold nugget off spawner wood sword bow wood pickaxe wood axe bread arrow leather chestplate leather leggings leather boots stone sword stone pickaxe stone axe chainmail helmet gold chestplate chainmail leggings gold boots iron sword iron pickaxe iron axe iron helmet iron chestplate iron leggings iron boots diamond pickaxe diamond axe diamond helmet diamond sword diamond boots diamond leggings diamond chestplate leather helmet diamond helmet long grass red rose yellow flower flint seeds obsidian ender stone double step apple clay ball string golden carrot rotten flesh iron ingot potato step glass bottle This map is a `bDTM`r, with a `bvillager trading system. The objective is to destroy 90% of each of the `athree monuments`r. This is the `bfront monument`r. -8,45,-205 This map has a `bvillager trading system. `cKill people or sell recources `rto get `6Golden Coins `rto trade with the `cvilagers`r. 14.5,34,-399.5 By throwing any extra `6Golden Coins `rinto the water hole, you will help your team get closer to unlocking the next kit. Reaching 2 stacks unlocks kit 1, reaching 5 stacks unlocks kit 2, and reaching 10 stacks unlocks kit 3. You must unlock the previous kit in order to unlock the next one. For example, if you want to unlock kit two, you must first unlock the first kit upgrade. -5.5,35,-439.5 Reaching `a2 `rstacks unlocks `6kit 1`r. Reaching `a5 `rstacks unlocks `6kit 2`r. Reaching `a10 `rstacks unlocks `6kit 3`r. In front of you is the first unlockable kit for the `4Red Team`r. To get new gear, you must simply walk through the portal. You will be given a new kit, and teleported back to your spawn. Be careful, your sword, armor, and tools will be overridden. You `lwill `rhave to go through the portal to recieve your new kit every time you respawn. If you want to keep your items while going through the portal, take them out of your hotbar! -10.5,35,-439.5