Pontifex 0.15 Be the first team to score 500 points. Kills are 1 point, the scorebox is 10. Team colored blocks fall down if not connected to quartz Quartz and glass are indestructible You can't blow up your own team's colored blocks Your teammates will not be hurt by your TNT Spawn camping/killing/cannoning/bombing is ALLOWED Bridges will collapse if they are not connected to quartz Enter the portals to build cannons Chaos cannons are disabled (sorry) Your TNT will NOT damage blocks of your own team's color Red Blue block explosion 300 night vision saturation iron pickaxe vine stained clay stained clay stained clay stained clay stained clay stained clay stained clay stained clay stained clay stained clay stained clay stained clay stained clay stained clay tnt tnt tnt diamond pickaxe redstone torch on step stone stone stone stone trap door ladder step nether fence lever stone plate stone button water bucket water bucket water bucket water bucket diode redstone torch on redstone block redstone tnt tnt tnt tnt leather helmet leather chestplate leather leggings leather boots leather helmet leather chestplate leather leggings leather boots tnt dispenser 0.5 0.5 iron pickaxe diamond pickaxe vine dispenser stained clay stone nether fence step ladder trap door stone plate piston base redstone block redstone stone button lever redstone torch on diode water bucket bucket tnt leather helmet leather chestplate leather leggings leather boots red blue red blue quartz block quartz stairs stained clay:2 stained clay:3 stained clay:6 stained clay:9 stained glass:7 stained glass:8 stained glass:11 stained glass:14 stained glass:15 stained glass pane:8 stained glass pane:15 portal stained clay:14 stained clay:11 vine red blue explosion vine tnt player 3 quartz block quartz stairs