Pursuit of Happiness 1.1 Capture the other team's two wools and place it at your victory monument! development Interchanging items from classes isn't allowed! Don't obstruct the wool rooms, spawns, or majority of the lanes with lava or obsidian. Red Blue night vision leather helmet leather chestplate leather leggings leather boots leather helmet leather chestplate leather leggings leather boots 113,12,-367 117,12,-367 -31,12,-367 -35,12,-367 134.5,247,-366.5 -51.5,247,-366.5 blue red chest furnace trapped chest ender chest dropper dispenser hopper mob spawner iron block diamond pickaxe diamond spade diamond axe bow diamond sword iron sword iron pickaxe leather helmet leather chestplate leather leggings leather boots cooked beef redstone water bucket log wood glass `rThis map is a `a`lCapture the Wool `r(CTW) map The objective is to grab the wool on the other team's side and return it to your base. 74,20,-337 These are `9Blue team`r's wool rooms housing `alime `rand `6orange`r. `cRed Team `rhas `5purple `rand `eyellow`r wools. Blue Team should defend these rooms against Red Team invaders who are trying to steal the wool and make it back alive. There are special goodies inside that will help you fight your way out. -75,15,-341 Here is the `cRed Team `rspawn. Inside the base is the victory monument where both wool must be placed to win. Your is limited, so use it wisely! 96,18,-366 Lava and TNT can be found here. There is another lava pool on the other side of the lane as well. 95,3,-395