Race for Victory 2 1.2.10 Take the enemy's wool located to either side of the enemy's base and place it in your victory monument. Players may not obstruct the majority of the lane with lava or obsidian. Players may not use lava or obsidian to block a team's spawn. Blue Red iron_sword bow iron_pickaxe log cooked_fish glass arrow arrow ladder survival adventure blue red chest workbench trap door blue chest workbench trap door red 30 -1,5,78 1,5,78 -1,5,-64 1,5,-64 fire fire tick lava poison magic iron sword bow iron pickaxe string glowstone dust apple sapling sugar cane clay ball stone plate sand trap door cooked fish log glass ladder `rThis map is a `a`lCapture the Wool `r(CTW) map The objective is to grab the wool on the other team's side and return it to your base. 27,11,7 These are `9Blue Team`r's wool rooms housing `alime `rand `6orange`r. `cRed Team `rhas `5purple `rand `eyellow`r wools. Blue Team should defend these rooms against Red Team invaders who are trying to steal the wool and make it back alive. There are special goodies inside that will help you fight your way out. 0,22,-93 Here is the `cRed Team `rvictory monument and spawn where the captured wool must be placed. Both wool must be placed to win. You can get geared up with supplies from the chests. 0.5,4,73.5 Here is the iron supply for `cRed Team`r. Note that `9Blue Team `rhas the same thing on their side. You can craft iron armor to prepare yourself for battle. There are additional resources in the chests that will help you bridge the void. 0.5,22,94 Lava, potions and more iron can be found here. There is another lava pool on the other side of the lane as well. -27.5,4,40