Renaissance 0.11 The attackers must destroy the endstone pillar. The defenders must stop them before 15 minutes runs out. ad Attackers Defenders 153.5,24,29 night vision workbench shears vine vine trap door ladder step nether fence piston base lever stone plate stone button water bucket water bucket water bucket water bucket diode redstone torch on redstone redstone block tnt tnt tnt tnt diamond pickaxe arrow bow wood sword stained clay stained clay stained clay stained clay leather helmet leather chestplate leather leggings leather boots diamond pickaxe snow ball dispenser stained clay stained clay stained clay stained clay iron helmet leather chestplate leather leggings leather boots defenders attackers water stationary water stained glass:15 stained glass:0 diamond block beacon quartz block stained glass:8 quartz stairs beacon ender stone player stained glass:15 stained glass:0 diamond block beacon quartz block stained glass:8 quartz stairs step double step nether fence dispenser redstone wire redstone torch off redstone torch on fence gate nether fence piston base redstone block water stationary water stained clay:10 stained clay:1 off ender stone ladder quartz block coal block tnt 0.4 0.5 0.8 ender stone air water stationary water diamond pickaxe workbench dispenser shears wood sword bow snow ball arrow vine stained clay stained glass nether fence step ladder trap door stone plate piston base redstone block redstone stone button lever redstone torch on diode water bucket bucket tnt leather helmet leather chestplate leather leggings leather boots iron helmet iron chestplate iron leggings iron boots ender stone arrow snow ball Blocks will collapse if not anchored to quartz or stained glass. Try to blow up the attackers bridges to stop their progress! The attackers must destroy 100% of the pillar before time runs out. You can only break the monument with TNT!