Riverside 1.0.0 Destroy enemy team's obsidian monument! Blue Red on stone sword bow diamond pickaxe stone axe wood bread golden apple arrow heal damage resistance leather helmet iron chestplate leather leggings leather boots leather helmet iron chestplate leather leggings leather boots blue red stone sword bow diamond pickaxe stone axe obsidian leather helmet iron chestplate leather leggings leather boots bread §rThis map is a §a§lDestroy the Monument §r(DTM) map. The objective is to destroy the other team's §c§lobsidian monument§r on their side. -58,10,211 §rThe §c§lmonuments§r consist of 3 obsidian blocks. §a§lBreak§r them to win the match. 4,16,156 §rIn the §b§lspecial diamond mine§r... §r...Beware the §c§lexplosions§r. -35,5,168