Sky Traffic 1.5.2 Leak lava from the enemy's obsidian core below their ship. Red Blue blue red red chest blue chest red tnt blue tnt chest shears regeneration heal shears Welcome to `3Sky Traffic`r, by Reshif. The objective is to leak lava from the other team's `ccore`r. -11,107,4 This `5obsidian ball `ris the `ccore`r. You must drain lava from it to win. It will turn to `6gold `rafter `915 `rminutes have passed, and `eglass `rafter `920`r. 65,85,8 There are `9supplies `rin your base. They contain useful items for taking on your opponents. There are additional `9supplies `rscattered throughout the map in `4balloons`r. 70.5,98,-3.5 There are `6special supplies `rinside of the `eyellow submarine`r. These `9supplies `rincrease your power and mobility. 1,13,47.5 There are `3diamonds`r, like these, scattered throughout the map. You can use the `3diamond blocks`r to make `2armor`r. Use the blocks you got from `9supplies`r to bridge to them. 26,111,41